Our Mission is to build lucrative business models for cleanup projects.

Our Vision is to create world-wide opportunities where investors line up to finance water cleanup projects.


Our journey


Public and private contributions of people who believed in the biological solution helped a lot to achieve three technical feasibility studies. Each project had its own particular challenge and solution. The involvement of the governments of Paraguay, Venezuela and Nicaragua was really cooperative and applications for the permissions to realize real-scale tests in their waters, were handled professionally and satisfactorily.

Explore our Track Record

Showcasing 3 Projects and 1 Results Report

Ypacaraí Lake, Paraguay
(2008 - 2011)

Biological activation of the waterbody in order to eliminate blooms of blue algae in the lake.

Maracaibo Lake, Venezuela
(2009 – 2010)

Growth stimulation of native microorganisms in the water and sludge that break down and degrade hydrocarbon molecules of stable oil-water emulsions, caused by oil spills. Absorption of floating oil with special hydrophobic fabrics.

Tiscapa Lagoon, Nicaragua
(2018 – 2022 )
(2024 continuation

Mechanical and Biological aeration of the waterbody and sediment in order to reduce algae blooms and reverse serious hypoxia of the lagune.

Maracaibo Lake, Venezuela

Acute Toxicity test results, performed on a sample of POLLUTION CONTROL (PoCo) according to EPA-821-R-02-012 standards, by the Water Research Center of the University of Zulia, Maracaibo, Venezuela.

Integrated solutions applied to Clean Waterbodies.

What Tethys offers You


Exclusive and proven protocol for biological cleanup of contaminated waterbodies


Connecting to financers/investors for watercleanup projects


Execution of engineering through ample network of technology providers attached to the movement

Meet the Founders

Laurens Trebes


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Manuel Pérez

PhD in Management

Theo Wisman
